Notice is hereby given that the Board of Education, Indian Prairie Community Unit School District #204 (the “District”); is requesting sealed bids to provide Metea Valley High School Marching Band Uniforms listed in the specifications of this bid document. Indian Prairie School District D204 utilizes an electronic bid system to post Request for Proposal (RFP) and bid opportunities. We strive to receive the best value for the goods and services purchased for the District’s needs. Bid(s) must be submitted using the Districts electronic method of bid submission.
The bid documents will be available at Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 7:30 AM CST
Indian Prairie School District welcomes all vendors to register to the Illinois Purchasing Group in the bidnetdirect system. There is no charge to register, simply go to, follow the registration path and select the "Limited Access" option. Indian Prairie School District has a special arrangement where you will receive notifications of matching solicitations and addenda even when selecting the Free, Limited Access package.
Downloaded Bids
The Bid and Exhibits are available for download from the web site at:
2. At the top of the page, click on “Participating Agencies”
3. In the “Select Purchasing Group” dropdown list, select “Illinois Purchasing Group”
4. Then scroll and find “Indian Prairie School District #204”
Bidders who download the Bid waive their right to have clarifications and/or addenda sent directly to them. Such Bidders are responsible for checking for clarifications and/or addenda. Failure to obtain clarifications and/or addenda from shall not relieve such Bidders from being bound by additional terms and conditions in the clarifications and/or addenda, if any, or from considering additional information contained therein in preparing their bids. Note that there may be multiple clarifications and/or addenda. Any harm to a bidder resulting from such failure shall not be valid grounds for a protest against award(s) made under this bid.
Requests for Clarification and Questions
Questions may be submitted using the online bidding system and must be received before 10:00 AM CST on Wednesday, November 15, 2023. Questions received by the deadline will be answered by Friday, November 17, 2023 by the end of business day. All questions and answers will be posted on the It is each vendors responsibility to check this website for updates. All questions received after 10:00 AM CST on Wednesday, November 15, 2023 will not be answered.
Addenda to the Bid
All addenda will be issued through and shall become a part of this bid no later than Friday, November 17, 2023 at 4:00 PM. The failure of a bidder to receive or acknowledge receipt of any addendum shall not relieve the bidder of the responsibility for complying with the terms thereof.
Bid Submission
Bids are to be submitted electronically through any time prior to, but no later than 1:00 PM CST on Tuesday, November 21, 2023; at which time they will be publicly opened at the virtual meeting address below:
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Bids received after this deadline, will not be considered.
Withdrawal of Bids
Bidders may withdraw their bid at any time prior to the time and date specified for receipt of bids. However, no Bidder shall withdraw or cancel the bid for a period of sixty (60) calendar days after receipt time for bids are due; nor shall the successful Bidder withdraw, cancel or modify the bidder after having been notified by the School District that the bid has been accepted by the District.