Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Beaver Dam Concessionaire will be required to supply and install a means to sell firewood via a firewood stand, trailer, or kiosk that is to be pre-approved by the Site Superintendent prior to being placed on IDNR property. The Site Superintendent shall determine the location of the firewood sales. Upon contract termination, it shall be the concessionaire’s responsibility to pay for and remove the firewood stand, trailer or kiosk from IDNR property. Failure to remove the stand, trailer or kiosk as per Section 5.2 shall result in it becoming the property of IDNR. 1.5.2. Vendor shall provide the concession manager with a Profit and Loss Statement for the preceding calendar year no later than May 1st of the following year. This document shall reflect all business transactions on or from the leased premises during the year. 1.5.3. All property/equipment left by Vendor two weeks after conclusion of the Contract shall be considered abandoned and shall be considered State Property from that moment forward. 1.5.4. Vendor shall take all reasonable precautions for safety of, and shall provide all reasonable protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: (i) persons performing services and obligations on behalf of the Vendor; (ii) anyone rightfully within the Premises, including, without limitation, members of the public and employees of IDNR; (iii) members of the public receiving goods or services offered by Vendor; or (iv) the property of IDNR, members of the public, or concessionaires on or adjacent to the Premises. 1.5.5. Vendor shall submit to the Site Superintendent and Concession Manager the selling price of all goods sold and services rendered at the concession in writing within 30 days of contract execution for the 2024 season and by March 15 of each remaining year of the contract. The approved price list shall be posted in clearly visible places about the premises and accessible to the public. All prices charged to the public by the Vendor must be competitive with comparable facilities in the area.