Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Vendor agrees to provide for and on behalf of the City, such professional medical consultant services as set forth herein. The services referenced and called for are as follows: • Minimum Physical Requirements – Police officer exams are to be performed to the minimum standards as specified in the Labor Agreement between the City of Champaign and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council executed on March 1, 2022, specifically identified under Champaign Police Department Police Officer Medical Examination Standards (see Attachment A). • Police Medical Examinations- Police Examinations must include: a. Basic physical examination by a physician 1. Vitalsigns 2. Head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat (HEENT) 3. Neck 4. Cardiovascular 5. Pulmonary 6. Breast 7. *Gastrointestinal (includes rectal exam for mass, occult blood) 8. *Genitourinary (includes pap smear, testicular exam, rectal exam for prostate mass) 9. Hernia 10. Lymph nodes 11. Neurological 12. Musculoskeletal 13. Skin (include screening for cancers) 14. Vision *Performed per current medical protocol and physician discretion as medically indicated. b. Audiology screening 1. 500 Hz 2. 1000 Hz 3. 2000 Hz 4. 3000 Hz 5. 4000 Hz 6. 6000 Hz 7. 8000 Hz c. Exercise stress test as follows: 1. Over age 45 with one or more coronary artery disease (CAD) risk factors such astobacco smoking, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, physical inactivity, excess weight and diabetes -every two years. 2. Over 50-every two years. 3. Ifthey have symptoms, referral to their personal physician for follow-up and perhaps further testing.