Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Vendor shall provide, install, and maintain all equipment necessary to deliver cable/satellite television programming services at no additional charge up to the taps at the living units defined as housing units or cell houses containing multiple Individuals in Custody. Illinois River Correctional Center will be responsible for anything beyond the taps. Illinois River Correctional Center will be responsible for maintaining all coaxial cable throughout the facility after the head end. The connection will consist of one coaxial cable leaving the properly sized tap, then entering a cell with two Individuals in Custody, with a residential style splitter installed, then with short coax to two televisions. The Vendor is responsible for servicing its own equipment and maintaining television programming services. Vendor is responsible to provide and maintain a toll-free number for service calls for Illinois River Correctional Center to utilize. Call must be answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If Illinois River Correctional Center exhausts all service and equipment resolutions to fix a problem, Vendor will dispatch a skilled service technician with the expertise to trouble shoot the issues and fix minor issues within 24-48 hours of the initial call for assistance. Should it become necessary parts and/or equipment is required for the repair, the Vendor will have said parts and/or equipment delivered to Illinois River Correctional Center within 48 hours along with the return of the service technician to complete the repairs.