Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Chicago Police Department intends to purchase law enforcement dogs to assist with various law enforcement activities including, but not limited to, public order, tracking of persons, illicit substance detection and cadaver detection. The law enforcement dogs are not required to have the training for the above-mentioned tactics prior to purchase: the Chicago Police Department (“CPD”) will train the dogs. The law enforcement dogs must be full breed animals. The law enforcement dogs must be herding breed dogs. The following dogs breeds are acceptable under this Specification: German Shepherds, Dutch Shepherds, Belgian Shepherds or Belgian Malinois and Malherd. Dogs must be a minimum age of twelve (12) months and no more than a maximum age of twenty- four (24) months. Male dogs are preferred; but, female dogs will be accepted only at the discretion and approval of the Contractor’s Kennel Master. The Kennel Master is responsible for monitoring their kennel dogs’ behaviors and recognizes any irregularities with the dog(s). The Kennel Master is responsible for utilizing their training and experience to provide above-standard care, offering proper nutrition and exercise to keep the dog in top physical condition.