The work consists of the traffic signal modifications at five intersections along FAU 1503 (Indian Trail), between Edgelawn Driver and Highland Avenue and integrating it with the City’s Centralized Transportation Management System (control center is located within Aurora City Hall). There are a total of five (5) signalized intersections within the project limits on Indian Trail: Edgelawn Drive Randall Road Elmwood Drive Nantucket Road Highland Avenue Additional roadway improvements include resurfacing, patching, and minor intersection radii modifications. The proposed traffic signals will be installed while maintaining the existing traffic signals. The work will generally include the removal of existing mast arms and poles, signal posts, signal heads, foundations and the installation of new mast arms, signal posts, signal heads, foundations, traffic signal control cabinets, conduit, signs, replacement of existing signs as well as sidewalk improvements for ADA compliance, resurfacing of the roadway, spot curb, sidewalk, and bike path repairs, intersection radii widening, and all other collateral work necessary to complete the project as shown on the Plans and described herein.