Amendment 0006 - 25March2024
1. The purpose of this Amendment 0006 to the combined synopsis/solicitation for Signage Project – ACC-RI- Rock Island Arsenal, IL, Notice ID: PANROC-23-P-0000_006496, is to:
a. Replace Attachment 0003 ACC-RI Signage Materials Requirement r1 14MAR2024.xlsx
Attachment 0003 ACC-RI Signage Materials Requirement r2 25MAR2024.xlsx.
The revisions to Attachment 0003 are on the “Materials” worksheet Totals in column K and M in the file.
b. Replace Attachment 0005 - QA_PANROC-24-P-0000_006496_Signage_r1 14MAR2024.pdf
Attachment 0005 - QA_PANROC-24-P-0000_006496_Signage_r2 25MAR2024.pdf
The revision to Attachment 0005 is on page 3 of 3 whereby questions and answers 14 and 15 are added.
2. The suspense for the quote response date/time for this RFQ remains unchanged as 1400 Central Time on 28 March 2024.
3. The deadline for additional questions is 26 March 2024 at 1200 CT.
4. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
Amendment 0005 - 14March2024
1. The purpose of this Amendment 0005 to the combined synopsis/solicitation for Signage Project – ACC-RI- Rock Island Arsenal, IL, Notice ID: PANROC-23-P-0000_006496, is to:
a. Replace Attachment 0002 ACC-RI Signage Specifications 06FEB2024.pdf
Attachment 0002 ACC-RI Signage Specifications r1 14MAR2024.pdf.
The revisions to Attachment 0002 are on pages 6-7 of 24 for the revised Leadership Command Board Requirements.
b. Replace Attachment 0003 ACC-RI Signage Materials Requirement 19JAN2024.xlsx
Attachment 0003 ACC-RI Signage Materials Requirement r1 14MAR2024.xlsx.
The revisions to Attachment 0003 are on the “Materials” worksheet in the file.
c. Replace Attachment 0005 - QA_PANROC-24-P-0000_006496_Signage_06MAR2024.pdf
Attachment 0005 - QA_PANROC-24-P-0000_006496_Signage_r1 14MAR2024.pdf.
The revision to Attachment 0005 is on page 3 of 3 whereby question and answer 13 is added.
3. The suspense for the quote response date/time for this RFQ remains unchanged as 1400 Central Time on 28 March 2024.
4. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
Amendment 0004 - 14March2024
1. The purpose of this Amendment 0004 to the combined synopsis/solicitation for Signage Project – ACC-RI- Rock Island Arsenal, IL, Notice ID: PANROC-23-P-0000_006496, is to extend the suspense for the quote response from 1400 Central Time on 18 March 2024 to 1400 Central Time on 28 March 2024.
2. An additional amendment will be forthcoming to revise the requirements of this solicitation.
3. Quotes must include a statement acknowledging all amendments by individual amendment number.
4. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
Amendment 0003 - 06March2024
1. The purpose of this Amendment 0003 to the combined synopsis/solicitation for Signage Project – ACC-RI- Rock Island Arsenal, IL, Notice ID: PANROC-23-P-0000_006496, is to provide Attachment 0005 - Q&A_PANROC-24-P-0000_006496_Signage_06MAR2024 which contains questions received from interested sources and the Government answers to the questions.
2. The suspense for the quote response date/time for this RFQ remains unchanged as 1400 Central Time on 18 March 2024.
3. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
Amendment 0002 - 04March2024
1. The suspense for the quote response date/time has been extended from 08March2024 to 18March2024
2. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
Signage Project – ACC-RI- Rock Island Arsenal, IL
Notice ID: PANROC-23-P-0000_006496
Amendment 0001
1. The purpose of this Amendment 0001 to the combined synopsis/solicitation for Signage Project – ACC-RI- Rock Island Arsenal, IL, Notice ID: PANROC-23-P-0000_006496, is to provide the following question and answer.
Question: Are you doing a walk through with suppliers?
Answer: Please reference the RFQ and attachments posted at The Government will not be conducting a walk through prior to award of the requirement.
2. The suspense for the quote response date/time for this RFQ remains unchanged.
3. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged.
Addendum to 52.212-1, Instructions to Offerors – Commercial Products and Commercial Services (SEP 2023)
1. The Army Contracting Command - Rock Island hereby issues Request For Quote (RFQ) PANROC-24-P-0000-006496 in accordance with FAR Part 12 Acquisition of Commercial Products and Commercial Services and FAR Part 13 Simplified Acquisition Procedures for the services for the Army Contracting Command – Rock Island (ACC-RI) center signage in support of ACC-RI in accordance with attached Performance Work Statement (PWS), dated 28 Feb 2024.
2. This RFQ will be Firm-Fixed Price (FFP) and is a 100% Small Business Set Aside under NAICS code 541430 and Product Service Code R499.
3. The Government intends to award a single Purchase Order to the lowest priced technically acceptable offeror who is responsible per FAR 9.104-1 and whose offer provides proof that the quote can meet the requirements in the PWS and delivery terms. The Government reserves the right to award no contract at all, depending on the quality of the quotes, prices submitted, and the availability of funds.
4. The Period of Performance (PoP) is: date of award of contract - 30 September 2024.
5. Inspection and Acceptance is F.O.B. Destination.
6. The resultant Contract will be paid via Wide Area Work Flow IAW DFARS 252.232-7006.
7. List of Attachments:
Attachment 0001 – Attachment 0001 ACC-RI Signage PWS 28FEB2024.pdf
Attachment 0002 – Attachment 0002 ACC-RI Signage Specifications.pdf
Attachment 0003 – Attachment 0003 ACC-RI Signage Materials Requirement.xlsx
Attachment 0004 – Attachment 0004 Provisions and Clauses
8. Quotes shall remain valid for 30 days.
9. Quote should include price, technical documents (include detailed plan and delivery terms), contractor points of contact, Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code and your Small Business Size Standard. Confirm that your offered price is the best price available; offered to your most favorable customers including the Government. Please confirm that you do not take ANY exceptions to the RFQ.
10.QUESTIONS: All submissions for questions pertaining to this RFQ shall be in writing to Chassity Blake,, Julie Cockayne,, and Adria Hemmen,, by 05 March 2024.
11. SUSPENSE: Quotes in response to this RFQ are due no later than 1400 Central Time, 08 March 2024. Expedited quotes are greatly appreciated. Quote submission shall be electronically by email to Chassity Blake,, Julie Cockayne,, and Adria Hemmen,
End of Addendum to 52.212-1, Instructions to Offerors – Commercial Products and Commercial Services (SEP 2023)