The selected firm shall provide construction inspection services for construction Contract B-43932. The anticipated Letting Date is January 9, 2025. The projected time period of need for construction inspection through substantial completion is estimated from August 1, 2025 through June 1, 2028. The CONSULTANT's personnel shall work under the INDOT Area Engineers or their designated representative. INDOT anticipates needing a total of 1 Project Engineer/Supervisor for the full contract duration and 1 Project Engineer/Supervisor April through October in 2026 and 2027 for a total of 10,646 hours and 3 Project Inspectors for a total of 14,338 hours during the course of this Contract. The work type and the contractor's schedule will ultimately determine the length of time each Project Engineer(s)/Supervisor(s) and Project Inspector(s) will work on this contract. INDOT may require personnel to work in any season, work for up to twelve (12) hours per day, or work at night. The CONSULTANT shall furnish all construction field testing equipment necessary to sample and test materials in accordance with INDOT procedures. The CONSULTANT shall furnish all necessary safety equipment needed for inspection and sampling and testing of materials. The consultant shall provide personnel local to the project such that neither lodging nor subsistence expenses will be incurred. The Letter of Interest (LOI) must specify the names of the Project Engineers/Supervisors and Project Inspectors who will be supplying the services on the construction contract. Also, a map showing the residential locations of these personnel must be provided in the LOI. Personnel identified in the LOI who are not full-time employees at the time of LOI submittal shall be identified with explanation of employment status. The LOI must identify the specific subject area certifications that personnel have obtained through the INDOT Certified Technician Program (CTP) unless the personnel are exempt. Information on this program can be found at: INDOT will not reimburse for any time or expense incurred in obtaining certifications at any time. INDOT does not allow consultants that performed design for the contract to be the prime consultant for inspection and does not allow these consultants to provide the Project Engineer/Supervisor services. See the INDOT Conflict of Interest Policy for more information. The INDOT Are Engineer and the Consultant will schedule the Scoping Meeting within two (2) weeks of the Notice of Selection. A field overhead rate will be used for this contract. Consultants without audited field overhead rates may propose a field rate at the time of contract negotiation.