The selected firm shall perform preliminary engineering and plan development services necessary to produce construction contract documents in accordance with the INDOT project development process. The selected firm shall complete an Engineering Assessment (if necessary), Topographic Survey, Roadway Design and Plan Development, Environmental Documentation, Permits Applications, Geotechnical Engineering, Utility Coordination, Pavement Design and Construction Phase Services. Other services such as Ecological Surveys, Archeological Investigations, Historical/Architectural Investigation, pavement design, professional public outreach and marketing services, R/W Engineering including Title Research and R/W staking and Wetland Mitigation, may be included later if these work types become necessary. INDOT will provide the Real Estate Services for this project, if needed. The INDOT Project Manager and the Consultant will schedule the Scoping Meeting within two (2) weeks of the Notice of Selection. The selected firm's fee proposal shall be due 45 calendar days after the selection date for his RFP item. Project is broken down into three different areas, covering three different years of work. Contract R-45563, DES 2400528 is currently scheduled for 1/13/2027 Letting, Contract R-45564, DES 2400529 is currently scheduled for 1/12/2028 Letting. Contract R-45565, DES 2400548 is set for the 1/18/2029 Letting. The contract may utilize the INDOT eInvoice application.