This RFP covers the purchases of general office furniture products and space design by State agencies which elect to purchase office furniture products and space design through the State quantity purchase agreement (QPA). While K12 and local entities participation in State contracts and QPAs is not mandatory, the overarching goal of the K12Indiana, OneIndiana, and LibraryIndiana initiatives is to encourage K12 and local entities to use the price agreement(s) resulting from this RFP. Increased utilization by these entities significantly enhances the business opportunity for the winning vendors without having to participate in additional RFP processes individually with these entities. The State is not responsible for the transactions between the vendor(s) and these entities. All K12 and local entities using State contracts and QPAs are expected to follow the contractual terms and conditions specified in those agreements. Respondents must indicate whether Respondent’s pricing proposal applies to K12 and local entities.