22.2.1. Contractor shall perform the following services: ITEM ACTIVITY QUANTITY APPROXIMATE INVENTORY VALUES a. Purchasing and applying herbicides 4 2.42 Acresb. Mowing and trimming all turf areas 30 2.42Acresc. Edging all sidewalks and curbing 30 2.42 Acresd. Mulching of fallen leaves 30 2.42 Acrese. Blowing sidewalks 30 40,000 sq. ft. f. Emptying trash containers and disposal of trash 30 -- g. Light cleaning of mulch beds 30 -- h. Cleanup and disposal of debris generated by work 30 2.42 Acres 22.2.2. Trash and debris shall be removed prior to mowing. 22.2.3. Turf grass areas shall be maintained at three (3) inches in height. 22.2.4. Clippings from mowing should be minimal due to the frequency of mowing; however, if at any time DPW determines that clippings are excessive, the DPW Contract Manager shall notify Contractor, which shall remove the clippings by the end of the next business day. 22.2.5. Immediately following completion of mowing and trimming, all clippings and other mowing debris shall be blown and swept from sidewalks, rock walks and mulch beds. All sidewalks, rock walks and mulch beds shall be left free of mowing debris and trash. 22.2.6. Contractor shall post appropriate notices of the application of herbicides and shall blow or sweep any excess materials from sidewalks after all chemical applications. 22.2.7. The quantities for each item in Section 22.2.8 are estimates only, and DPW reserves the right to request more or less work than is set forth therein.