Treat all species of non-native invasive shrubs and vines (including but not limited to: multiflora rose, autumn olive, bush honeysuckle, burning bush, Japanese barberry, Oriental bittersweet, winter creeper, forsythia, privet, and Japanese honeysuckle) that occur scattered throughout the area. Contractor will cut NNIS woody shrubs and vines infestations (greater than 5 feet tall) and apply herbicide to the cut stumps. Foliar herbicide will be used on the remaining shorter, uncut vegetation. Spot foliar treatments will occur by hand spray guns or backpack type sprayers using either selective or non-selective herbicides. Treat these invasive woody shrubs and vines using spot spraying techniques to avoid damage to desirable native species. Small equipment capable of spot spraying (i.e., backpack sprayer, UTV with hose reel) will be needed in order to ensure that minimal damage to native species occurs. See attached maps for locations where herbicide applications are to occur.