Specifications include, but are not limited to: Aircraft Part 139 Refresher Training Fires course will provide refresher training for airport personnel assigned to handle Part 139 aircraft emergencies. This course is not an initial course for responders and is designed for personnel to practice procedures to meet A/C 150/5210‐17. The class is designed to move the responders through a simulated emergency to include initial response, firefighting operations, victim handling, IMS, communications, aircraft shut down, battery disconnect, primary search, secondary search, securing for NTSB, vehicle operations and teamwork. The Mobile Aircraft Fire Trainer (MAFT) will provide simulated aircraft fires for municipal, volunteer and airport aircraft rescue firefighting training. The following assorted fires will task the responders on proper aircraft rescue firefighting: fuselage, various engine arrangements, wheel assembly, APU, 3‐D spill, cockpit, galley, cabin, cargo and flashover. A wide variety of scenarios will be possible with the MAFT. The responders will be able to make access over the wing, enter front and rear of aircraft and operate the crash vehicle turret on the MAFT. Cut in areas are available. Students will have an opportunity to practice forcible entry. Classroom training and safety briefing will be conducted before personnel perform firefighting operations on the MAFT.