The 2024 PCC Pavement Preservation Program – Crack and Joint Filling project includes the following: • Site 1 – Full depth PCC patching and intake adjustments within the Georgetown, Ashland Meadows, and Prairie Ridge Estates neighborhoods. • Site 2 – Cleaning and filling of cracks and joints in PCC street pavement within the Georgetown, Ashland Meadows, and Prairie Ridge Estates neighborhoods. • Site 3 – Cleaning and filling of cracks and joints in PCC street pavement on NW Georgetown Boulevard from just east of NW Ash Drive to just west of the Veridian Credit Union driveway. The construction improvements include the cleaning and filling of approximately 81,000 LF of longitudinal joints, 63,000 LF of transverse joints, and 6,000 LF of miscellaneous cracks, full depth patching of approximately 500 SY of 7” thick PCC Class C-SUD pavement, one major adjustment to an intake, and five minor adjustments to intakes. Other associated improvements include temporary traffic control, temporary surface restoration, mobilization, and miscellaneous associated work necessary to complete the project.