Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Marketing Campaign 1.1. Uses a mix of 30-second radio ads on farm broadcast stations, digital ads on agricultural trade publications’ websites, and digital re-targeting strategies. 1.1.1. Respondent will produce and place radio ad. IDALS will provide approval of the script and approval of the final version of the ad. 1.1.2. Respondent will place digital ads. IDALS will provide images but requests size specifications from respondent. 1.2. Targets farmers and landowners residing in the State of Iowa 1.3. Estimates the size of the target audience and potential reach of the campaign. 1.4. Includes weekly performance reports and a full performance report after the campaign ends. 1.4.1. Reach 1.4.2. Impressions 1.4.3. Digital ad engagement 1.4.4. IDALS will own this data. 1.5. Monitors the performance of the digital ads and optimizes them throughout the campaign. 1.6. Summarizes the marketing campaign’s performance after it concludes. 1.7. Runs beginning in July to August 2024 1.8. Has a campaign budget that shall be between $19,000 - $21,000 1.9. Will run in conjunction with an IDALS run social media campaign. 1.10. Other requirements 1.10.1. The Respondent should have extensive experience in branding and marketing related to agriculture/crops in the State of Iowa. 1.10.2. The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship will approve the final radio ad script produced by the Respondent, approve the final digital ad copy produced by the Respondent and provide the digital ad graphics. 1.10.3. The selected vendor must produce the 30-second radio spot and production costs should be included in the cost proposal. 1.10.4. The selected vendor should provide contracting and invoicing through one contact...