Specifications include, but are not limited to: In an effort to improve the reliability of the current communicaƟons telemetry, the Ames Water and PolluƟon Control Department is requesƟng bids to replace exisƟng obsolete Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), and exisƟng outdated and/or malfuncƟoning Radio Telemetry equipment at Ada Hayden gate and restroom sites. Equipment will include, but will not be limited to: PLCs, input and output cards, radios, connectors, cabling, jumpers, power supplies, fusing, terminals, internal panel wiring, and lightning arrestors. All bids submiƩed in response to this specificaƟon shall include all mobilizaƟon, labor, equipment, materials, soŌware configuraƟon, radio configuraƟon, updated wiring schemaƟcs, and any required permiƫng or licensing to complete the work as specified. Once work is completed, the contractor shall supply the Water Plant with a radio system performance report that includes the received signal strength and signal-to-noise raƟo for each radio device installed.