The University of Iowa is looking for Automatic Passenger Counters (APCs) to be mounted at the front and back doors of heavy-duty transit buses. The solution should provide for sensors where one (1) sensor is mounted at the front doors and one (1) sensor is mounted to capture the entire back doors, which are 58" wide. The intent of the proposed solution is to have an automated passenger counting system that complies with Federal Transit Administration (FTA) reporting the National Transit Database (NTD), and to ridership data for use in transit planning. The University of Iowa is looking for a solution that accurately counts boardings and alightings at both doors within the acceptable margin of error for NTD reporting. The solution should include reporting functionality to obtain boardings, alightings, and bus loads by bus number, stop, day, and time. The University of Iowa CAMBUS uses GMV for computer-aided dispatch(CAD)/automated vehicle location(AVL). The solution must integrate with GMV CAD/AVL for ridership reporting in GMV's SYNC Insights platform. The University of Iowa CAMBUS fleet currently includes: 29 - 40' heavy-duty buses (Gillig Low-Floor) 3 - 30' heavy-duty buses (Gillig Low-Floor) Anticipated initial purchase is two sensors each for 30 buses. The awarded Supplier would be responsible for installing the initial purchase and training University staff to complete install for any units purchased after that. The APC's will only be installed on heavy-duty vehicles. The resulting contract would cover any additional buses that will be purchased by the University during the contract term.