Specifications include, but are not limited to: The project is the reclamation of the BOS AML site in Wapello, County Iowa. The site is located approximately 3.5 miles south of Chillicothe, 1.5 miles north of U.S. Hwy 34 and 6 miles west of Ottumwa. In general, the work includes, but is not limited to, impoundment discharge, which requires neutralization of acidic water, clearing, grubbing, excavation, channel construction, pipe installation, sediment and erosion control, and permanent seeding. Bid quantities include, but are not limited to, 34.6 acres of clearing and site preparation, 275 gallons of liquid caustic soda, 322,900 cubic yards of excavation, 327 tons of Class E riprap, 1,100 square feet of tied concrete block mat, 150 square yards of turf reinforcing mat, and 31.4 acres of permanent upland seeding. A complete list of bid items is provided with the plans.