The purpose of this Scope of Work (SOW) is to clearly define the custodial service requirements of the Facilities Maintenance Center at Department of Administrative Service so that the Contractor is fully aware of the Department of Administrative Service’s requirements and expectations. This SOW will form the basis of the Custodial contract with Department of Administrative Service’s. All tasks performed in providing services are listed, numbered, and defined in this section. These definitions apply to the corresponding Scope of Services and Performance Requirements identified in this RFP. These individual task standards provide the basis for evaluating contract performance. Additionally, the contractor may be asked to provide some or more of these same services on a Task Bid basis, where customers outside of the Base Bid scope request and pay for the custodial activities. The cost associated with these tasks will be billed directly to the individual customers/departments on a monthly basis. The Schedule of Prices submitted in response to this RFP will be used to determine allowable Task Bid pricing.