DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: 1213 Hershey Ave, 1211 Hershey Ave, 1209 Hershey Ave, 1207 Hershey Ave, and Parcel No. 1302154017 SALE PROCEDURES: Lot 53, the West 19-1/2 feet of Lot 55, and Lots 57, 58, and 59, all of Island View Addition to the City of Muscatine, Muscatine County, Iowa, and A part of Lot 56 in Island View Addition to the City of Muscatine, Muscatine County, Iowa, more particularly described as follows: Starting at a ½ inch drilled hole in concrete at the Southwest corner of Lot 56, the true point of beginning; thence North 0’36’50” East along the West line of Lot 56, 57.85 feet to a ½ inch iron pin; thence South 89’7’30” East 35.5 feet to a ½ inch drilled hole in concrete on the East line of Lot 56; thence South 0’36’50” West along the East line of Lot 56, 57.85 feet to a ½ inch drill hole in concrete on the Northerly right-of-way of Hershey Avenue; thence North 89’7’30” West along said right-of-way line 35.5 feet to the point of beginning