The Feldhahn Storm Water Basin Project consist of the excavation of about 700LF of ditch to convey storm water runoff from the Ingleby Subdivision site near the City’s east water tower, known as Sunset Farms. About 1500 CY of earth will be excavated to construct this ditch. The project will also include excavation of earth in Feldhahn Park, within the western lobe of the park’s trail system. This excavation will create a storm water basin that will provide storm water detention for the future Sunset Farms Subdivision and existing homes along the east side of 14th Avenue. This same basin will also provide storm water runoff quality improvements. About 11,750 CY of earth will be excavated to make the basin. The project will also consist of about 855 LF of storm sewer to convey mitigated storm water from the proposed basin, along UIS Route 6, towards Mud Creek.