The intent of the Request for Proposal (RFP) is to obtain firm fixed price proposals from qualified firms to: a. Update ECIA Job Descriptions i. Review the ECIA job descriptions and present a format for job descriptions moving forward based on best practices and compliance with all applicable laws and, ii. Meet with employees and supervisors in each job category to determine whether the job description accurately describes duties, iii. Present findings of job description interviews to inform administration regarding tasks and responsibilities that should remain with each position or be recommended for other existing positions or new positions, and, iv. Present findings of the job description review to recommend title changes, provide updated job descriptions and titles, recommendations based on workload and job capacity, equity across the organization in terms of similar jobs in other departments, and placement on a classification plan and, v. Develop additional job descriptions to reflect increases in responsibilities, scope of work, project opportunities, and mastery of skills related to advancement positions in each department. b. Conduct an employee compensation and classification study i. Conduct an employee compensation and classification study of public and private employers who are providing equitable services and, ii. Based on that study, determine if individualized position/job descriptions are needed; and if so, assist in the development of these job descriptions and, iii. Based on that study, prepare a comparative analysis that identifies ECIA's competitive position in the labor market and, iv. Based on that study, provide a recommendation for total salaries and benefits, including the total compensation package of insurance and other fringe benefits...