1. A new plan that places equity, climate change and resiliency, and housing at its core and addresses existing disparities and prepares us for the future. 2. A public process that uses varied methods of engagement to drive participation that is more reflective of the city’s demographics and ensures underrepresented groups are actively engaged in the process. A robust outreach and engagement process upfront can serve as that strong foundation for a common vision that then can be implemented in a more streamlined fashion through streamlined approvals and more by-right development allowances. This can serve the community well and result in addressing our most pressing needs (e.g. diverse housing supply) in a more timely manner. 3. A regional housing needs assessment, evaluation of current land use policy, as well as other updated analyses that will allow us to better understand changing needs, trends, and demographics. These updated analysis will help to inform the vision and land use policy direction. (Please note: The regional housing needs assessment will be completed by another vendor. The City will supply the successful vendor with the regional housing needs assessment so that they can incorporate it into the Comprehensive Plan). 4. A clear connection between the Comprehensive Plan and the City’s other planning documents. Examples include the Strategic Plan, Bike Master Plan, Capital Improvement Plan, Climate Action and Adaptation Plan and others. All these plans will need to be reviewed since the Comprehensive Plan should function as the overarching policy document that incorporates and references the vision and goals of other plans as needed. 5. A new planning framework that identifies specific typologies unique enough to warrant further planning efforts. Examples include community nodes/centers, corridors, employment centers, and others. 6. Scenario planning to help residents envision and understand different development outcomes for Iowa City and what implications those choices carry into the future. Scenario planning will inform an updated Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan with land use designations that include descriptions of general intended land uses, as well as physical characteristics of the envisioned built environment. The plan will also include a land use designation table with clear descriptions and an explanation of how these designations work with the City’s zoning districts. 7. An implementation program that identifies specific actions that should be pursued to implement the vision of the plan.