Specifications include, but are not limited to: Iowa State University Department of Residence is requesting proposals from a contractor to build loft beds legs for our existing loft beds to be used as replacements for damaged legs. The previous loft beds were built by Iowa Prison Industries and Iowa Prison Industries can no longer produce furniture products. ISU Department of Residence is seeking a total of 1000 loft bed leg sections, there is a critical need to have at least 500 of these loft bed leg sections delivered by May 10, 2024 to begin summer replacement with the remaining delivered by July 31, 2024. Contractor can produce and ship/deliver in batches if needed. Each loft bed end consist of two sections, the ends are used interchangeably as bed headboard and/or footboards. Each section consists of 2 wooden legs and three wooden crossmembers. Two sections of these legs are connected to make one loft bed end. Each section requires a set of metal channels to be inserted within the legs for attachment to the frame. A complete loft bed end would have 4 metal channels. Drawings with dimensions and pictures have been attached. The drawing provided were produced by Iowa Prison Industries and Iowa State University was given permission to use these. The use of Iowa Prison Industries drawings and specifications can only be used for ISU purchases and only be used by the awarded supplier. Contractor will be responsible for the sourcing of wood materials for manufacturing, screws, and finish materials. Overall Complete Loft bed dimensions: 39-1/4" D x 87-5/16"W x 72" H; Dimensions of loft leg section: 39 1/4" D x 36" H; Dimensions of loft leg sections connected to together to make one loft leg end: 39 1/4" D x 72" H