Specifications include, but are not limited to: Design services shall include: 1.3.1 The contract for this work will be a modified ConsensusDoc 803. See link on cover page for a sample contract. 1.3.2 All design disciplines necessary to complete the scope of work. 1.3.3 Attend design kick-off meeting onsite to discuss desired outcome of the project with the Owner, Construction Manager, and Owner’s maintenance staff. 1.3.4 Use of the State of Iowa‘s construction management software program for uploading all documents, submitting and approving pay apps, and construction administration. The cost for the use of the software is paid by the Owner. 1.3.5 At a minimum, design shall include the following: Evaluate building and identify sources of water infiltration in the basement. Recommend building corrections to remediate water infiltration. This may include rerouting electrical, fire main, and other utilities and partial infill of the basement. Full design would be negotiated with the successful proposer. Evaluate if any structural repairs are needed. If needed, the design for structural repairs would be negotiated with the successful proposer. Review recommendations with the State Historic Preservation Office and follow any applicable guidelines. Coordinate any work in the city-owned alley with the City of Dubuque. 1.3.6 Field examination of the existing buildings. 1.3.7 Compliance with all Federal, State, and applicable AHJ codes. 1.3.8 Design reviews will be conducted at 50% and 100% evaluation/schematic design. Reviews will be conducted with DAS Owner Representative, Construction Manager, and Facility Representative, at a minimum. Drawings, specifications, and cost opinions (if applicable) shall be provided at least five days prior to each review meeting. An additional review meeting may be required at the end if there are discrepancies in cost opinions or constructability review questions. 1.3.9 Develop and distribute agendas and meeting minutes for all meetings during the design phase. 1.3.10 Construction cost opinions provided by the Design Professional team during Design at 50% and 100% evaluation/schematic design. 1.3.11 Acknowledgement that all documents are copyright to the State of Iowa and shall be turned over to the State of Iowa in their native computer format. 1.3.12 The Department requests lump sum pricing from the respondents to this RFP, with the lump sum base scope price being inclusive of all reimbursables, such as printing, mileage and travel expenses. The Department requests the fee proposal from the respondents to this RFP be broken down as follows. These breakdown prices will be used as the schedule of values for billing purposes.