Specifications include, but are not limited to: Delivered Pesticides (Curtiss Farm) - No products bigger than 2.5-gallon containers. Item: 1. 30 Gallon Harness or generic equivalent; 2. 20 Gallon Generic Clethodim; 3. 65 Gallon Glyphosate in 4lb active pounds per gallon, I salt or DMA formulation, no K salt formulation; 4. 867 Lbs. AMS (water soluble crystal spray grade); 5. 20 Gallon Generic Atrazine (not Loveland product); 6. 3 Gallon Capreno in 1 gallon jugs; 7. 10 Gallon Resicore (no substitutions); 8. 30 Gallon Crop oil concentrate (COC) (contains no drift or antifoam) (not blended with other product); 9. 30 Gallon Methylated seed oil (MSO) (not blended with other product); 10. 40 Gallon Pendimethalin; 11. 90 Ounces Impact in 30 oz. containers; 12. 45 Gallon Surestart or generic equivalent; 13. 5 Gallon Basagran or generic equivalent; 14. 40 Lbs. Sonic or generic equivalent; 15. 20 Gallon Dual II Magnum or generic equivalent; 16. 1 Gallon Callisto or generic equivalent; 17. 20 Gallon Liberty or generic equivalent; 18. 40 Gallon Enlist One; 19. 100 Gallon Enlist Duo...