Utility Abandonment This item shall include all labor, equipment and material necessary to excavate, abandon water and sewer service lines to the designated property, backfill, and restore existing pavement, sidewalk, driveway, or earthwork. All work is to comply with the current version of Iowa Statewide Urban Design and Specifications (SUDAS), City of Davenport- SUDAS Supplemental Specifications, and the City of Davenport Municipal Code, or as detailed below. Temporary Traffic Control and Protection shall comply with Section 2528 of the Iowa DOT Specifications, MUTCD, or as directed by the City of Davenport. The Contractor, or its designated representative, will provide 72 hour advance notice of all lane restrictions, street closures and detours on the cityofdavenportiowa.com/roadwork website and shall be responsible to provide notice of re-opening at cityofdavenportiowa.com/roadopen. Traffic Control is considered incidental to the abandonment work and will not be paid for separately. Sanitary sewer laterals are to be abandoned at the City main by installing a twist plug at the wye connection and covering with concrete. If the existing service pipe does not connect at a wye, a “T” or Wye saddle is to be installed and a twist plug is to be inserted. Water services shall be abandoned at the water main. All areas to be backfilled within the ROW limits must conform to Iowa DOT “Gradation 11, Class A Crushed Stone”. Granular backfill shall be placed in 6” lifts and uniformly compacted to at least 95% Standard Proctor Density. Full Depth PCC street patches are to be a constructed at a minimum of 8” thickness or the thickness of the existing pavement, whichever is greater. Any disturbed ground is to be rough graded and smoothed to match exiting earthwork. All work must be coordinated with, and inspected by a City Inspector. If any to the work is covered prior to inspection, it must, if required, be uncovered for observation. The cost of uncovering and restoring the work shall be at the Contractor’s expense. Permits Permits for water and sewer abandonment, demolition, erosion control and street and sidewalk obstruction will be required and shall be obtained from the Engineering and Building Inspection Division, Public Works Department, at 1200 E. 46th Street, Davenport. The contractor will be charged for these permits. Mid American Energy Company has been contacted to abandon all gas and/or electrical service to the buildings. The contractor(s) is not required to request abandonment of gas and electrical service.