Specifications include, but are not limited to: CUTTING AND PATCHING A. In existing construction this Contractor shall perform all cutting required and all necessary patching after completion to restore the surface to its original condition, unless otherwise indicated. B. Should the cutting of walls, floors, ceiling, partitions, etc., be required for proper installation of the work or apparatus of this Contractor, or be made necessary on account of his failure to give General Contractor proper information at the time required, such cutting shall be done at his own expense, restoring the work to its original condition. C. All cutting and patching done by this Contractor shall be subject to the direction and approval of the A/E. This Contractor shall not endanger the stability of the structure by cutting, digging, or otherwise, and shall not at any time cut or alter work of any other contractor without A/E’s consent. 1.16 SEALING OF PENETRATIONS A. All penetrations for raceway, wire, etc. furnished under Division 26 of these specifications which penetrate fire and/or smoke walls and full height partitions (including chase walls), shall be sealed with a UL System specifically approved for the application. 1.17 EXCAVATING, TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING A. This Contractor shall perform all excavation to the depths required, indicated on the drawings or specified. During excavation, material suitable for backfilling shall be piled in an orderly manner a sufficient distance from trench or other excavations to prevent slides or cave ins. All excavated materials not required or usable for backfilling shall be removed from the site. Necessary grading shall be done to prevent surface water from flowing into trenches or other excavations and onto adjacent property. Furnish all pumping required to keep excavated space clear of water during construction. The A/E will inspect excavation and approve soil conditions and direct procedure if unsatisfactory conditions are discovered. Provide sheeting and shoring as may be necessary for the protection of the work and the safety of personnel. Protect bottom of excavation from frost and do not place structures or pipe on frozen ground.