1. Perform topographic and boundary survey of the project area(s). 2. Perform a geotechnical investigation of the subsurface as appropriate. 3. Provide engineering design of the proposed project(s). 4. Provide right-of-way and temporary easement plats for acquisition as necessary. The City will perform all negotiations with property owners. 5. Submit appropriate permits for the proposed project package(s). Based on the selected project package(s), this could include but are not limited to permits and clearances from the following agencies: Iowa Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Iowa State Historic Preservation Office, Iowa Department of Transportation and Canadian Pacific Kanas City Railroad. 6. Coordinate proposed design with all utility providers. 7. Design reviews, including project cost estimates at the Preliminary, Check and Final plan phases as consistent with the Iowa DOT project development process. 8. Provide plans and specifications for bidding purposes. 9. Assist in analyzing construction bids and provide recommendation on contract award.