Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. Water treatment chemicals shall meet the most current of AWWA Standards. B. Granular Sodium Tripolyphosphate - Na5P3O10 1. Polyphosphate must comply with AWWA B503 as Amended 2. NSF 60 Certified: Certified third-party analysis or Affidavit of compliance must be provided with bid. 3. Delivery: Deliver in 750 lb. super sacks measuring 36 in. x 36 in. x 24 in. to the loading dock on a pallet 4. Bulk Density: 0.8 to 1.5 g/mL 5. Grain Size: 95% >= 0.250 mm (sand-like) C. Polyphosphate with a super-fine, flour-like consistency will be rejected. D. Grain size and super sack size are necessary to be compatible with chemical feed equipment. Please submit questions if there are concerns with these parameters.