Specifications include, but are not limited to: The City of Dubuque Housing & Community Development Department continually strives to improve Dubuque’s housing stock through services to property owners and homeowners. To ensure that all housing projects are performed and completed to industry standards and health and safety standards, any contractor applying for inclusion in the Housing Programs: Rehabilitation, Resiliency, and Healthy Homes must first go through a thorough prescreening process. To qualify, contractors shall meet the following requirements: • Be licensed by the State of Iowa, Department of Labor. • Provide current and active insurance certificates that document sufficient insurance coverage as per Program requirements. • Be able to provide evidence (i.e., certificate of successful completion and satisfactory test results that all workers under his/her employ (employees and/or subcontractors and their employees) who will be involved in any rehabilitation that disturbs painted surfaces (known or presumed to be lead based paint) or any lead hazard reduction activity, have been trained in safe work practices or abatement practices as required by HUD’s Lead Safe Housing regulations and the IDPH’s 641-Chapter 70 IAC. • Be approved by City as not being on the HUD’s or the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL’s)list of debarred or suspended contractors: https://www.sam.gov/portal/SAM#1. • Procurement verification.