Specifications include, but are not limited to: Provide Infant-Toddler Court (ITC) program services, locally known as Safe Babies Court Team™ (SBCT) in Polk County. a. The Agency shall have 1.5 FTE Community Coordinators providing services to a total maximum capacity of 30 families at any given time in Polk County. 1. The Community Coordinators are anticipated to carry a combined caseload of 30 families in Polk County. 1 FTE Community Coordinator = caseload capacity of 20 families. 2. Every effort shall be made by the Supplier to hire persons that represent the priority population to be served such as Black or Native American, specifically for the community coordinator positions that provide direct services to families. 3. The Supplier shall assist in advocating for prioritizing referred children with disproportionate involvement in child welfare, those who are African American or Native American and families who are at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines. 4. The Supplier shall provide data for program evaluation of the program services for the Infant Toddler Court program according to the evaluation plan, approved by HRSA.