Specifications include, but are not limited to: DAILY Services : Routine Cleaning Services (Monday – Friday) 1) Empty and clean all trash containers. All trash containers are to be lined with plastic liners and replaced daily. Remove all bagged trash to dumpster provided by the County. a. In the winter months, the JCS trash will need to be brought over to the Courthouse dumpster. 2) Empty and clean all outdoor trash cans and cigarette receptacles. Pick up and discard any loose trash from the area around the building to the sidewalk, including parking lots. 3) Clean all obvious spills, debris and surface dust. Note: Personal work space, stations, cubicles, desks, computers, file cabinets, etc. are the responsibility of the employee working there. THESE WORK AREAS ARE TO BE CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL AND ARE STRICTLY OFF LIMITS to cleaning staff. Nothing is to be read or touched on, under or around these immediate work areas. If the boundaries are unclear in any area, it is the responsibility of the contractor to ask the Superintendent to clarify. 4) Wash, sanitize, and polish all drinking fountains. The walls and floors around the drinking fountains should be free of spots and splatters. 5) Clean entrance glass and interior office partition glass. 6) Clean and polish all doorknobs, push bars, kick plates, railings, doors and other surfaces. 7) Vacuum carpeted areas and rugs. a. There should be no obvious debris throughout facilities. b. High traffic areas should be vacuumed daily. c. Office areas should be vacuumed not less than once per week. d. A vacuuming schedule should be provided to the Superintendent and followed so that each area is vacuumed not less than once per week. e. Minor soiled spots on the carpet should be tended to as needed daily. 9) Sweep and dust mop all hard surface floors and stairways making sure all corners and crevices are free from dust. Wet mop, scrub and rinse with germicidal solution (mixed according to manufacturer instructions). Floors are to be left free of streaks. 10) Kitchenettes: Clean sinks and counters, wipe the outside of appliances. (Dishes left in sinks are NOT the Contractor’s responsibility.) Fill paper and soap dispensers.