Specificationsfor Trees: 1.5.1. All deciduous trees shall be a minimum of 1-inch caliper, with a minimum height of 6 feet and a maximum height of 10 feet, unless otherwise specified. 1.5.2. All material shall be single-stemmed, No. 1 grade trees unless otherwise specified. 1.5.3. If balled and burlapped stock is used, trees shall be dug and balled with heavy-duty burlap and laced with twine and/or a wire basket package. The ball shall have sufficient moisture according to best nursery practices. If wire baskets are used to support the root ball, a “low profile” basket shall be used. 1.5.4. If container stock is used, the container class size shall conform to ANSI Z60.1 for container stock and shall have a well-established root system reaching the sides of the container to maintain a firm ball, but shall not have excessive root growth encircling the inside of the container. Further, a container tree’s root system must be developed to hold its soil together, firm, whole and moist when taken from the container...