The work for the Larson Street Pump Station project includes all materials, equipment, and labor necessary for construction of 10" diameter sanitary sewers by trenched and trenchless construction, a 6" force main by trenched and trenchless construction, and pump station. The location of improvements is primarily between Forest Drive and W Jackson Street, and southeast of W Larson Street. Work includes approximately 30 LF of 10" sanitary sewer, approximately 100 LF of 6" force main by trenched construction, pump station including wet well, valve vault, and meter vault, and related work including manholes, connections, erosion control, surface restoration and miscellaneous associated work. The Larson Street Pump Station work consists of two stages. Stage 1 includes construction of the wet well, valve vault, meter vault, construction of a 6-inch sanitary sewer force main, connection to the existing force main, pump installation, construction of a 10-inch gravity main, and all related work. Stage 2 includes construction of the bypass system, demolition of the existing pump station, and all related work.