S1 Lauer East Sorghum Food Plot 2 AC - Acre 5/1/2024 to 6/1/2024 Contractor must establish 2 acres of sorghum food plots in the area marked in Attachment A following these steps: •Step 1 – Disk a minimum of three passes to prepare seedbed. •Step 2 – Fertilize with 19-19-19 at a rate of 80 pounds per acre and incorporate by tilling. •Step 3 – Plant (drill, row plant, broadcast) sorghum at a rate of 8 pounds per acre. S2 Lauer East Soybean Food Plot 2 AC - Acre 5/1/2024 to 6/1/2024 Contractor must establish 2 acres of soybean food plots planted at 50 pounds per acre in areas marked on Attachment A. A maximum of two glyphosate applications may be necessary. Contractor must apply glyphosate within 2 weeks of notification from the DNR Project Manager for weed suppression. Contractor shall hold an Iowa Commercial Pesticide Applicators License issued by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS) Pesticide Bureau and provide license # to the DNR Project Manager. S3 Lauer West Sorghum Food Plot 2 AC - Acre 5/1/2024 to 6/1/2024 Contractor must establish 1 acres of sorghum food plots in the area marked in Attachment B following these steps: •Step 1 - Disk a minimum of three passes to prepare seedbed. •Step 2 - Fertilize with 19-19-19 at a rate of 100 pounds per acre and incorporate by tilling. •Step 3 - Plant (drill, row plant, broadcast) sorghum at a rate of 8 pounds per acre.