2.3 The liquid carbon dioxide shall be not less than 99.5% pure by weight with moisture content not to exceed 0.1% by weight. 2.4 The oil content of the liquid carbon dioxide shall not exceed 0.0005%. The liquid carbon dioxide shall not contain any mineral or organic substances in quantities capable of producing injurious effects upon the health of those consuming the water, which has been treated properly with liquid carbon dioxide, nor shall it impart any objectionable taste or odor to the water. 2.5 The vendor shall provide a certification of analytical report each quarter showing that the material supplied meets the specification requirements. 2.6 This material shall be certified as suitable for contact with or treatment of drinking water by an accredited certification organization in accordance with ANSI/NSF Standard 60, Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals – Health Effects. 2.7 Bidders shall furnish evidence of NSF certification with the bid. 2.8 The carbon dioxide shall meet all applicable ANSI/AWWA B510-18 standards.