Specifications include, but are not limited to: All proposals should be for a playground that are multi-component, multi-age appropriate, and commercial grade. No wooden structures should be proposed. The playground site and requirements are as follows: The Mulberry Playground site is located at the southeast corner of 6th and Orange streets. A multicomponent, multi-age appropriate, modular play system should be included in the proposal. One or more sensory/accessible component(s), such as sensory/maze panel or multiple smaller, musical components, shall be included in the proposal. No wooden structures should be proposed. In addition to the play system, independent play events, i.e. swings, spring animals, diggers, etc., may be included at the discretion of the vendor. The project, including play units and safety surfacing should meet all requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and shall not exceed the budgeted amount of $75,000. The safety surfacing will be poured in place rubber. Prevailing wages as defined under the Davis-Bacon Act will apply to this project. The playground will be located on a lot approximately 2,820 square feet.