The City’s intent with this RFP is to provide a new, well-designed development for the community. The new development should complement and enhance the existing and surrounding development and support the redevelopment and economic efforts of this mixed-use area. The City is expecting proposals that incorporate and demonstrate high-quality architectural elements and site design, including but not limited to the following: • Use of quality architecture design and building materials, with varying relief elements incorporated into the exterior framework of the building(s). The design and architecture of any new building, whether commercial, residential, or mixed-use, should respect, complement, and enhance the surrounding residential and commercial developments. • Visual interest and harmony shall be fostered through creative design and quality building materials. • Landscape design should enhance the development and the streetscape. • The project should meet perceived market needs for the type(s) of proposed development. • Projects that implement housing for the workforce, affordable housing, or mixed-use development are desirable.