Specifications include, but are not limited to: As typical for the species/cultivar, trees shall be healthy and vigorous, as indicated by an inspection for the following: 1. Trees shall be relatively free of pests (insects, pathogens, nematodes or other injurious organisms). 2. An inspection of the crown, trunk, and roots shall find the following characteristics: a. Crown Form: The form or shape of the crown is typical for a young specimen of the species/cultivar. The crown is not significantly deformed by wind, pruning practices, pests or other factors. b. Leaves: The size, color and appearance of leaves are typical for the time of year and stage of growth of the species/cultivar. Leaves are not stunted, misshapen, tattered, discolored (chlorotic or necrotic) or otherwise atypical. c. Branches: Shoot growth (length and diameter) throughout the crown is typical for the age/ size of the species/cultivar. Trees do not have dead, diseased, broken, distorted or other serious branch injuries. d. Trunk: The tree trunk should be fairly straight, vertical and free of wounds (except properly–made pruning cuts), sunburned areas, conks (fungal fruiting bodies), wood cracks, bleeding areas, signs of boring insects, galls, cankers/lesions and girdling ties...