Specifications include, but are not limited to: Wor982203C-N This project is for a constructed wetland and a saturated buffer. In general, the work involves, but is not limited to, selective clearing, excavation, grading, steel sheet pile weir construction, tile installation, water control structures and seeding. This project includes around 17,350 cubic yards of earthwork, 610 square feet of steel sheet pile, 1,950 linear feet of tile installation, 760 linear feet of reinforced concrete pipe (RCP), 50 tons of riprap, 40 cubic yards of concrete grout, 10.8 acres of seeding and water control structures. The estimated construction cost range for this project is $230,000 to $290,000. Wor982203C-S This project is for a pumped, tile-zone, constructed wetland for nutrient removal. In general, the work involves, but is not limited to, selective clearing, excavation, grading, lift station with electric transmission to pump, tile installation, inlet and outlet concrete structures and seeding. This project includes around 10,750 cubic yards of earthwork, 138 linear feet of 30-inch diameter gasketted reinforced concrete pipe (RCP), 100 tons of riprap, inlet and outlet concrete structures, lift station with a 1.5 cubic feet/second pump (5 HP, TDH of 14 feet) with VFD, electric transmission line to the lift station and 2.6 acres of seeding. The estimated construction cost range for this project is $125,000 to $175,000.