Contractor shall complete entire project no later than March 31, 2025-weather permitting. Contractor is responsible for accurately measuring the areas to be painted and caulked: Total paint surface of the pool vessel to be painted is approximately 5,500 square feet. Total vessel to be caulked is approximately 2,000 linear feet. All Caulk and Paint products must be as specified in the documents. If Contractor desires to use a different product, supporting information must be submitted prior to the question deadline for department consideration. Contractor shall degrease pool basins, remove gutter grates to access blasting, cleaning, and caulking. GUTTER GRATES DO NOT NEED TO BE PAINTED. Contractor shall power wash pool basin areas using a minimum of 4,000 psi. Wash pool basin areas with a muriatic acid solution, rinsing thoroughly. Water lines and algae growth shall be removed with muriatic acid and a chlorine bath. Sandblast pool basin areas to remove loose, non-adhering coatings (Contractor shall cover main drains prior to sandblasting). MUST BE SANDBLASTED. Structural cracks and voids need to be repaired, as needed, by the Contractor. Contractor shall thoroughly clean the pool basin after sandblasting and before coating process begins. Contractor shall remove and clean expansion joint in the bottom and side walls of the swimming pool basin, outer rim of basin to gutter edge meeting deck, using DECK O SEAL Two Part, Elastomeric, Polysulfide-based Joint Sealant or Vulkem 116 and 171 or EQUAL. Install backer rod where needed. Contractor shall use white caulking, to be done after painting so as to not paint over fresh caulking. Contractor shall only re-caulk the expansion joints, not the sawcut (control) joints of the cracks. Contractor shall caulk in the pool basin and gutters and include caulk-filled cracks as well as expansion joints. Structural cracks/voids when found need to be repaired and caulked as needed by the Contractor. Contractor shall remove all gutter covers, clean, caulk and paint inside gutters. Prepare all surfacing for painting according to the manufacturer’s specification. Contractor shall paint the entire pool assembly including any main drains and gutter trenches with white Tnemec Series 66 or EQUAL. After painting basin, the gutter covers shall be replaced. The Zero Depth area shall be non-slip with an application of silica sand. The rim of the pool basin shall be non-slip with an application of silica sand. The rim shall be painted. Contractor shall paint racing lanes, racing lane targets, break line, waterslide lines, water depth lines and other graphics with black Tnemec Series 66 or EQUAL. The first coat to be used as a primer and the second coat shall be the finish coat. Each coat of paint shall be 6-8 mils D.F.T per coat, for a total thickness of 12-16 mils D.F.T.