Specifications include, but are not limited to: The City of Dubuque Planning Services Department is soliciting competitive sealed proposals from qualified and experienced professional consulting firms or teams (Consultant) to update the City’s existing Unified Development Code which includes the zoning code, the subdivision ordinance, and the historic preservation ordinance. The current Unified Development Code (UDC) was adopted in 2009. Since its adoption, the UDC has been updated by City staff and through text amendment requests to address new issues, to reflect State-initiated regulation changes, and to accommodate growth and emerging trends. The City is now seeking a more thorough evaluation of the UDC to see that it is supporting the City Council goals and priorities, is in alignment with other City plans, and to ensure it is not serving as a barrier to development in the community. The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to outline the scope of work, describe information to be provided in the proposal, and share the process which will be used in selecting a successful Consultant to complete the project. The Consultant will be required to produce all products defined in the Scope of Work, with assistance from staff and the Project Team.