To maximize the use of public and private resources by locating higher density and mixed use developments within the area, which has existing infrastructure, access to public transportation, employment, commercial/retail establishments, schools and other supportive services. To create a higher density development with a minimum of 40 units per acre on the south portion of the subject property) The south portion of the property focuses on aesthetically pleasing development and provides opportunities for human interactions on adjacent rights-of-way, limits the placement of parking lots to the sides and rears of buildings and creates additional opportunities for multiple modes of transportation (i.e. transit, automobiles and bicycles). To cause the construction of new housing units with occupancy on or before December 31, 2027 unless otherwise agreed upon. To provide a positive impact on the city resulting in increased tax revenues and contribute to the city’s long term economic and community growth objectives. To implement the recommendations contained in the West Broadway Urban Renewal Plan and the West Broadway Corridor Plan.