Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. The field investigation will be limited to the identified area of potential effect (APE). B. Field investigations will consist of pedestrian survey and, where the ground appears undisturbed, shovel or auger testing to a depth sufficient to determine whether buried A horizons or intact E horizons are present and to reach culturally sterile B or C horizons below them. C. The recommended interval for tests is no greater than 15 meters (50 feet), reducing to 10 meters (33 feet) or less if an archaeological site is identified. Intervals for surface survey transects can range from 3 meters (10 feet) to no greater than 15 meters (50 feet) apart depending on surface visibility and site locations. D. All excavated matrix will be sifted through 1/4-in mesh hardware cloth to recover artifacts. Collected items will be placed in bags with the appropriate provenience information clearly labeled. Collected artifacts will be cleaned and inventoried and identified as to material(s), probable age, and cultural affiliation. E. Any archaeological sites encountered will be evaluated according to the significance criteria and integrity considerations of the National Register of Historic Places. F. The results of the Phase I investigation will be summarized in a report that adheres to the state guidelines in format and content.