Specifications include, but are not limited to: Single unit with small footprint Able to perform rheological tests in rotation and oscillation and DMA in torsion, tension, bending and compression with a minimum displacement of at least 1 mm to characterize soft solids or materials which softens intensively at Tg. Able to perform a maximum dynamic movement (oscillation) of more than 2 mm in order to characterize the even soft materials or materials which show a pronounced softening with DMA in tension Able to perform sequentially DMA in tension and torsion in a single experiment and without changing the sample to determine G*, G', G'' as well as E*, E',E'' of isotropic and anisotropic materials completely Able to determine a complex Poisson's ratio based on viscoelastic source functions (G*, E*) based on performing measurements in tension and torsion within a single experiment and without changing the sample Has the capability to perform measurements up to 230 mNm to characterize stiff samples Axial displacement of 10-5 to 9.4 mm in DMA mode Frequency range of 0.001 Hz to 100 Hz in DMA mode Peltier temperature control system capable of -50 °C to 220 °C; -50 °C achieved without the use of liquid nitrogen Convection temperature device with a temperature range of -160 to 600 °C with a homogeneous temperature distribution and stable temperature control Includes an integrated mirror that gives a 360° view of the sample for trimming A mounting system which ensures a stable and reproducible mounting of accessories. Capability to change the gap size with a minimum step size of 10 nm