The purpose of this RFP is to perform design and construction commissioning for a project described as follows-- Install a microgrid system capable of utilizing renewable and clean energy sources with battery backup to improve efficiency and synchronize grid management systems. This project will enable Camp Dodge to island critical mission facilities within its electrical distribution system. During islanded operation, the microgrid system will support all loads fed by this segment of the microgrid. The microgrid system will incorporate several new technologies: a 2.5 MW ground mounted photovoltaic (PV) solar array with 3MW/3MWH battery storage, and 1MW of modular natural gas microturbine generation. The microgrid will also connect to the existing diesel generators. This microgrid can incorporate future expansions to the microgrid and inclusion of new technologies. It will include a master microgrid controller, synchronization controllers, and automatic switching for control of the generation resources within Camp Dodge. This includes the necessary switchgear, inverters, batteries, distribution lines, transformers, controls and communication, AC/DC wiring with conduit, and security measures. Construct a secure integrated feeder level microgrid including a smart grid control system with switchgear, 2.5 MW photovoltaic solar array with 3MW/3MWh battery energy storage system (BESS) and 1 MW of microturbine generation. Upgrade the control and distributions systems to integrate existing diesel generators and allow the new smart grid control system to dynamically match electricity generation to meet critical load requirements. This project will ensure that the Camp Dodge Joint Military Training Center meets DODI 4170.11 and the Army Directive 2020-03 to meet energy security for critical facilities for a minimum of 14 days. Camp Dodge has a critical load threshold of 2.5 MW with peak demand of 4.5 MW, depending on the time of year and operations that are being conducted. 100% of the critical load will be supported by this project. The types of facilities with critical missions the microgrid will support are Command and Control of the Iowa National Guard, National Guard support of homeland security, ongoing training for contingency operations, mobilization operations, Army training schools, DSCA support, and the ARNG sustainment training center. This project is critical to the state of Iowa due to the current situation of Camp Dodge Joint Military Training Center being the sixth busiest National Guard training center in the nation, training over 336,632 Soldier days in Training Year (TY) 21. Camp Dodge is fed via two utility feeders with some of the lines from the substations being above ground and susceptible to damage from auto accidents, trees, high winds, and winter ice storms.