Specifications include, but are not limited to: The City of Davenport is seeking bids from qualified vendors for Phase 1 of the Southern Levee System WPCP Flood Protection Project Levee and Pump Station project. The project involves the first phase of levee construction protecting the Davenport WPCP and Compost Facility against 500 Year +3 ft. flood levels (or 569.00 MSL). Generally, the project includes construction of an earthen levee protecting the southern and easterly perimeter of the WPCP & Compost Facility property along with detention basin/interior drainage installations and a combined storm water and Effluent Pump Station. The project includes construction of approximately 115,000 CY of levee embankment fill, levee foundation preparation and repair, removal of interior berms as called out on plans at the City’s Compost Facility, excavation and grading to convey flows to an existing area designated for stormwater detention, and installation of an 18” storm sewer outlet pipe to the Mississippi River from the combined storm water and Effluent Pump Station. Sewer and utility construction consists of approximately 2,500 LF of storm sewer piping (15”-36” dia.), 3,650 LF of 6” seepage sewer drain, 375 LF of 8” sanitary sewer replacement, 10 flared end sections, 12 manhole/intake structures, 2 storm gatewell structures (24” sluice gates), and relocations of water, gas, fiber optic, and electrical utilities. Work includes excavation and backfilling to existing grade elevations as well as surface restoration and miscellaneous associated work, including cleanup.