Specifications include, but are not limited to: Springdale Drive, is nearly one- half mile of full depth removal and reconstruction. The existing roadway consists of 41’ of roadway, back of curb to back of curb, with 2’ curb and gutter sections. In total this accounts for over 10,000 SY of pavement removal and 5800 LF of curb removal. In regards to removal there is also 1300 SY of sidewalk removal and, 900 SY of driveway removal. The new roadway has two alternatives for the surface either 8” of HMA on 11” of modified sub-base, roughly 4400 TONS with 5500 LF curbs or the other alternative is 11516 SY of 7” of Concrete with integral curb on 12” of sub-base. In either scenario the sub-base extends 2’ beyond the back of curb, and will require nearly 13000 SY of sub-grade prep. Along with the mainline we will be reconstruction the abutting roads back a small distance at each intersection. In order to prepare the roadway for construction there is around 7000 CY of cut required. Once cut to grade, we will be stabilizing the base with 8% Cement added to the sub-grade. Outside of the roadway itself, we will be installing a Ten Foot shared use trail along the west side of the road, roughly 2900 SY in total. Along with the trail we will be upgrading all pedestrian ramps to be ADA compliant. The sidewalk installation is roughly 400 SY. The project is not limited to flat work, we will also be updating the storm sewer setup installing nearly 1000 LF of RCP storm sewer roughly evenly split between 18” RCP and 15” RCP. The new storm sewer system will also include 6 new manholes and 10 new catch basins. In addition to the RCP pipe, we will be installing 3200 LF of 6” sub-drain and the necessary cleanouts and CB connections. Aside from the items listed above, as with normal construction this project also require manhole adjustments, restoration work and, removal of existing storm sewer structures.