Study Objectives: - Support economically vibrant core districts - Improve and consistently provide a high-level customer experience - Optimize parking system utilization within the study area - Understand condition and life-cycle costs (maintenance and repair schedule) of parking assets over 10-year horizon - Optimize revenue and minimize expenses - Provide a customer friendly experience - Improve parking system to contribute to providing pedestrian-oriented core districts that are interconnected and encourages citizens to park and walk between destinations - Understand the feasibility of a Downton/Czech Village & Newbo/MedQ/Kingston Village circulator Study Purpose: Perform a comprehensive parking study: - That provides a summary of the existing parking system characteristics (i.e. inventory, user types/allocations, rules, regulations, etc.); - To understand the nature of current and future demand for parking within each of the defined sub-areas; - Provide recommendations on how to most efficiently meet current and future parking demand; - Provide recommendations on pricing, utilization, enforcement strategies, optimizing revenue, and minimizing costs within each sub-area; - Recommends strategies to provide a friendly customer experience - To understand current alternative modes of transportation and their impact on the parking system; - Complete a feasibility study for operation of a circulator system providing transportation between parking study subareas; Study Area/Core Districts (add map): - Downtown - Kingston Village - Czech Village - NewBo o Including Lot 44 - MedQ (Circulator Study only)